Street Fighter (Malibu Comic)

Street Fighter is a comic book series released by Malibu Comics in August 1993. It is loosely based on Street Fighter II. The series was canceled after the third issue; seemingly because Capcom was not pleased with the portrayal.

Essential names in video games are many, however, very few the size of Street Fighter. This saga of Capcom has marked the entire entertainment industry in one way or another, having representatives in virtually all its variants. Last Friday, Street Fighter V finally received its story mode, an issue that made us think of the best stories of the franchise. For this reason, we invite you to join us to see how Ryu and company have been in the world of comics.

* For this content to be more concise and you could consume it without significant problem, we decided to focus only on the main series of Street Fighter comics. Free of spoilers.


Although from the nineties, the name of Street Fighter was already being exploited in the manga, it was not until the beginning of the last decade that Capcom decided to take it to comics. In 14 different numbers, the first historical arc of these comic strips based on the favorite games of fights, tell us exciting stories are starring Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile, Charlie, and Cammy. If you want to enter this, the best thing is that you start with those who started everything.


After UNO was quite successful with the first line of Street Fighter-based comics, there was a six-month break until the second stage came under the name of Street Fighter II, which delved into one of the most loved stories by the fans of the franchise. The master of Ryu, Gouken, was killed by Akuma, so the Japanese warrior embarks on an adventure in search of revenge to who taught him everything he knows


The result of the next delivery of Street Fighter comics was so well received by the public that UDONO decided to make a sequel called Street Fighter II: Turbo. In this series of 12 numbers, we are told the events that occurred in the second great martial arts world tournament, in which the most powerful warrior in the world is sought after everything that happened in the last historical arc.


Three long years had to pass from the sensational Turbo to put in our hands the new Super Street Fighter numbers. This new line was divided into two volumes. The first of them, New Generation, is developed in parallel to the story told to us in Street Fighter III, while in Hyper Fighting, we continue with this narration and we are prepared for the most recent installments.


The most recent historical arc in the history of this Capcom franchise was launched just in December of last year. As you are probably already imagining, its main objective has to do with boosting sales of Street Fighter V. Despite not being The best in the world, the truth is that it does help a lot to expand the lore of this title that has given so much to talk about. Recommended without a doubt.