Title: Suto II Yon-koma Shouryuuken Vol. 1   
ISBN #: 4-06-319532-5   
Author: Yoshimura Hideo   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 6 September 1994   
Price: 450 yen 
Dash Taisen – The first volume of a yon-koma manga series based on Street Fighter II. 
Iwa says – 4 sections of yon koma manga. 7 pages of black and white art work within. Excluding the ones on the section separators


Title: Suto II Yon-koma Shouryuuken Vol. 2   
ISBN #: 4-06-319617-8   
Author: Yoshimura Hideo   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 7 August -1995   
Price: 450 yen 
Dash Taisen – The second volume of the Suto II Yon-koma Shouryuuken yon-koma manga series. 
Iwa says – 4 section of yon koma manga. A pieces based on the live action movie. 6 pages of black and white art within. Excluding the ones on the section separators


Title: Suto II Yon-koma Shouryuuken Vol. 3 
ISBN #: 4-06-319734-4   
Author: Yoshimura Hideo   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 6 September 1996   
Price: 450 yen 
Dash Taisen – The third volume of the Suto II Yon-koma Shouryuuken yon-koma manga series. 
Iwa says – 4 section of yon koma manga. the 4th section is base on the Street Fighter Z series. 3 pages of black and white art within. Excluding the ones on the section separators.


Title: Suto II Yon-koma Daikoushin!   
ISBN #: 4-06-319491-4   
Authors: Ariga Hitoshi, Iwamura Toshiya, Kamiya Takahiro,   
Satou Gen, Mito Izumi, Midou Kazuhiko   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release: Date 6 June 1994   
Price: 450 yen 
Dash Taisen – An anthology of yon-koma manga based on Street Fighter II. 
Iwa says – A few translated pieces manage to make their way to Comic Weekly and thats about all. 


Title: Suto II Yon-koma Daikoushin Vol. 2   
ISBN #: 4-06-319637-2   
Author: Satou Gen, Mito Izumi, Midou Kazuhiko, Karina Takumi   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 6 November 1995   
Price: 450 yen 
Dash Taisen – The second volume in the Suto II Yon-koma Daikoushin yon-koma anthology manga series


Title: Street Fighter II V Retsuden Vol. 1   
ISBN #: 4-06-321756-6   
Author: Baba Yasushi   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 6 October1995   
Price: 390 yen 
Dash Taisen – A manga series based loosely on the basic concept of the Street Fighter II V anime TV series, but with a completely different story and plot. Includes a number of elements from the theatrical anime movie, Street Fighter II. 
Iwa says – I dislike this adaption. But what do you expect from a loose adaption of a loose adaption (SFV anime). This series does not feature CL much. It focuses on Ryu (duh) and Cammy sort of becomes his sidekick. Baka-ly I sold the books only to buy it back some years later. Its kinda like reading HK SF manhuas but with less development and bad pacing.

Ryu’s in Alaska after he got ambushed by a shapeshifting monitor cyborg. He ended up in figts with Balrog(Claws) and Zangief who points him in the general direction of USA for further training and somehow he attracted Vega’s(commander) attention. Fights in USA with guys like M.Bison (boxer) and T-Hawk later there was a flashback to his training days. Apparently Cyborg Ryu is not Shadowloo property and Ryu gets into a showdown. With that down the scene shift to the Amazon where Ryu runs into Blanka and Guile fight them.Eventually Ryu meets up with Cammy who was hanging around a castle in the middle of the forest.
Chinese edition 
Chuang Yi ISBN #: 981-227-187-2


Title: Street Fighter II V Retsuden Vol. 2    
ISBN #: 4-06-321768-X    
Author: Baba Yasushi    
Publisher: Koudansha    
Label: Bom Bom KC    
Release Date: 6 March 1996    
Price: 390 yen 
Dash Taisen – The second volume of the Street Fighter II V Retsuden manga series.
Iwa says – *mumbles grumbles* 

And he runs into Vega, teams up with Guile and Blanka, inexplicably Chun Li and Ken (Why can’t they find him in Alaska?) shows up and they all gang up on Vega but he escapes. Everybody heads to Easter Island and lands in more fights with Sagat and Ryu’s gone evil sensei(don’t ask me why they meld Gouken and Gouki). And after an insanely violent fight Ryu and company heads off to Dinoland (Point X. There’s always one). Where he ends up fighting Dee Jay, a T-rex, many Ryu clones and forms a temporary alliance with Vega

Chinese edition 
Chuang Yi ISBN #: 981-227-225-9


Title: Street Fighter II V Retsuden Vol. 3    
ISBN #: 4-06-321776-0    
Author: Baba Yasushi    
Publisher: Koudansha    
Label: Bom Bom KC    
Release Date: 5 July 1996    
Price: 400 yen 
Dash Taisen – The third (and final) volume of the Street Fighter II V Retsuden manga series.  Also includes 2 unrelated short-story manga:  “Choukenshi Raioumaru” and “Crusher Geki.
Iwa says – *grumbles mumbles * Chi The team get pointed in the general direction of Antarctica where they fight Honda. (As I can’t remember if this came out before SF3) Evil orginzation that is not Shadowloo introduce god like being Azrael(?) or Creature no7 or Prototype Gill guy (There is always one Gill-like god type guy in SF comics. HK comics has one and now Jap mangas). With Head Scientist dead and Azrael rampaging on Ryu, Vega conviently takes over the faculty. And because who know what he’s scheming. Vega teams up with Ryu against Azrael. And Ryu gets beaten up so badly that he slips into Satsui no Hadou mode and end it all.

Chinese edition 
Chuang Yi ISBN #: 981-227-258-5


Title: Game Wolf Hayato Vol. 1   
ISBN #: 4-06-321693-4   
Author: Kinoshita Shouji   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 5 March 1994   
Price: 390 yen 
Dash Taisen – A manga series detailing the comedic misadventures of daydreaming young Street Fighter II player, Hayato. 
Iwa says – Its kinda like like Yu-gi-oh but only with Street Fighters. Hayato is a Ryu player. His sexy and somewhat loony teacher is a Chun Li player who lost her boyfriend after she got hooked onto the game. And the 3rd character is Hanzo (I’m not good with translating Japnese names) who is a Zangief player. Book 1 introduces the main characters.Ching Win ISBN #: 957-539-637-5


Title: Game Wolf Hayato Vol. 2   
ISBN #: 4-06-321714-0   
Author: Kinoshita Shouji   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 6 September 1994   
Price: 390 yen
Dash Taisen – The second volume of the Game Wolf Hayato manga series.
Iwa says – It reads almost like a typical tournay based SF manga except this is from the player side. Joining their team are a Blanka player and Dhalsim player. Ching Win ISBN #: 957-539-647-2


Title: Game Wolf Hayato Vol. 3   
ISBN #: 4-06-321736-1   
Author: Kinoshita Shouji   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 6 March 1995   
Price: 390 yen 
Dash Taisen – The third volume of the Game Wolf Hayato manga series.
Iwa says – Book 3 is the battle with an Akuma player and on a certain level its kinda like the crew loaning Ryu and Hayato their strangth to carry on the game. Told ya its like Yu-oh-ohChing Win ISBN #: 957-539-6952-


Title: Street Fighter ZERO 2   
ISBN #: 4-06-319783-2   
Author: Karina Takumi   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Haoh KC Deluxe   
Release Date: 17 February 1997   
Price: 480 yen 
Dash Taisen – This 5-chapter manga story focusses on Sakura and her search for Ryu. Also includes a bonus yon-koma manga section
Iwa says – Its no Sakura Ganbaru but a different writer’s take on the Sakura-Ryu story.
Sakura’s crush on Ryu started off when she saw Ryu beat the crap out of Dan. Okay because of chasing after Ryu she had a run-in with Chun Li.
It does not explain where she learn her moves from (likely Dan) and she seems to have the ablity to emulate Ryu’s Haduoken only after seeing it minutes before.

For all its worth she was pointed to head off in the general direction of Hong Kong if she really wants to find Ryu. While in Hong Kong she met Gen who gives her some information on Ryu and the Satsui no Haduo. They both got into a fight. There after she heads into the US and had a run-in with Ken and some of Rolento’s men and made the connection between Ryu and Ken. While Ken fends off Rolento, Eliza spirits Sakura away and I think gave her more information of where Ryu is.

And she heads back to Japan and witness a fight between Ryu and Gouki. And Ryu goes into SnH mode after defeatng Goiki. Will Sakura be able to save him? Oh and Gouki vs Sakura too.

Books I don’t have

Title: Koudansha Comics Bom Bom KC Deluxe Dai1003kan:  Street Fighter II V Retsuden   
ISBN #: 4-06-334003-1   
Author: Baba Yasushi   
Publisher: Koudansha   
Label: Bom Bom KC   
Release Date: 23 August 1995   
Price: 250 yen 
Dash Taisen – Released 6 weeks before Street Fighter II V Retsuden Vol. 1, this book acted as a sort of preview of the manga series.  Printed in a large, jacketless format (26cm high), it contains the first 3 chapters (with a number of minor scenes omitted in order to simplify the plot and tone down the violence).  Also includes a double-sided, full-color foldout.